What do bed bugs look like?
An adult bed bug is a brownish-red, six-legged insect with an apple seed shape, low profile, and transparent skin. It begins life as a nymph, which is a smaller version of the adult. It does not start as the same color. Newly hatched nymphs are white until they have had their first blood meal. After drawing blood, a nymph appears red. Once the meal is digested, the nymph will appear black. As it grows, it will appear less transparent, but never fully opaque.

Are bed bugs large enough to be seen?
Bed bugs are elusive pests that hide in cracks and only come out at night, so you may wonder if they're too small to see with the naked eye. A newly hatched nymph is about 1 mm. It is quite small and easy to miss when you perform a search, but not so small that you won't see them. A full-grown bed bug is about 4.5 mm. That is still small, but much easier to see.
Where do bed bugs live?
Bed bugs are attracted to tight spaces and dark voids. They prefer to establish themselves inside or near mattresses, box springs, and bed frames, but you can find them hiding in many places.
- Nightstands
- Office chairs
- Alarm clocks
- Picture frames
- Baseboards voids
- Carpets
- Outlets
- Couches
- Recliners
- Piano stools
- Luggage
- Duffel bags
- And more
When you search for bed bugs, look in every compressed space.
What do bed bugs eat?
While certain other insects only draw a blood meal for the purpose of reproduction, blood is the primary sustenance for bed bugs. Through the centuries, they have developed a preference for human blood as they are not equipped to climb on hairy animals.
How do I know if I have bed bugs?
The most obvious warning sign of a bed bug infestation is live bugs. You may also find bed bug bites on your skin. These bites may form a cluster or line up like a trail across your skin. You may also see black and brown stains on bedding, curtains, upholstery, and clothing.
Can bed bugs fly?
No. If they want to get to you, they have to climb up to do it. If you don't have these insects hiding in your bed, you may set traps under the feet of your frame to catch them as they make their first attempt.
How long do bed bugs live?
If given ideal conditions, a bed bug can live over a year. Most often, they live for less than six months as they have to make do in hostile environments with pest control attempts, cold temperatures, and food scarcity.
Are bed bugs dangerous?
We are happy to say that there is no evidence that bed bugs spread diseases. They are also not a contamination hazard, as is the case with cockroaches, flies, Pharaoh ants, and other unsanitary pests. The primary concern is that they routinely bite and the bites can lead to loss of sleep, poor mental health, anemia, etc.
How do I get rid of bed bugs?
Bed bugs are highly adaptable insects and elusive pests. Professional bed bug control is recommended for these pests. For property owners in the Phoenix metro, the best way to get rid of bed bugs is to Greenway Pest Solutions for effective bed bug treatments.
How can I prevent a bed bug infestation?
Bed bugs are somewhat unique in how they reproduce and spread. Pest management for most pests happens around your exterior, but bed bugs don't come in from your yard. They hitch a ride. You need to take steps to keep watch for them while away from home and avoid carrying them back into your home. If these pests make it past your defenses, remember that your Greenway Pest Solutions service team is available to help you get rid of them.