What do house spiders look like?
Common house spiders in Arizona are small arachnids measuring up to 1/4-inch long (males are slightly smaller than females). They range in color from yellowish-brown to tan to nearly black and often have markings or patterns in varying shades on their bodies and legs.

What do house spiders eat?
House spiders eat bugs, especially flying insects that they catch in their silky webs. The prey they catch in their webs are paralyzed by venom injection and then broken down by digestive juices.
Where do house spiders build webs?
House spiders typically create webs in windows, corners, along walls, and above or beneath fixtures. Anywhere that is quiet and less trafficked by people.
Do house spiders bite?
The American house spider is capable of biting, though some house spiders aren't. Certain indoor spiders have weak fangs that are unable to break the skin of a human. The long-bodied cellar spider (also known as the daddy longlegs) is a good example. A bite from an American house spider is minor. You'll likely have an itchy red bump and nothing more. They're also not prone to bite unless disturbed or frightened.
Are house spiders venomous?
Most house spiders are venomous, but unlike brown recluse and black widow spiders, their venom is typically not harmful to humans.
Are house spiders dangerous?
House spiders are not considered a dangerous pest and even though they are capable of biting, they rarely do so unless threatened. House spider bites are usually not a serious threat to health.
When are house spiders most active?
Most house spiders are nocturnal and become more active during the night when they hunt for prey.
Why do I have a house spider problem?
House spiders enter homes through cracks, gaps, and openings and if they find food (other insects) and shelter (the darker and more cluttered the better), there's a good chance they won't be in a hurry to leave.
How do I get rid of house spiders?
At Greenway Pest Solutions, we offer home pest control services that eliminate spiders and the bugs that attract them. Our local pest control specialists have the tools, knowledge, and experience necessary to address existing pest activity and prevent new infestations from developing.
How can I prevent spiders from infesting?
To prevent house spiders from infesting your home, we recommend the following spider prevention tips:
- Clean your home regularly.
- Vacuum under furniture frequently.
- Declutter closets and other storage areas.
- Address any moisture issues in your home.
- Install outdoor lighting that repels insects.
- Eliminate the insects that spiders eat.
- Pick up your yard.
- Trim plants and other landscaping away from the exterior of your home.