What do termites look like?
Termites are insects with six legs, two antennae, and three body parts, though the separation between the head and thorax is not distinct. In a colony, you'll find three kinds of termites. Workers are pale in color and about ⅛ of an inch in length. Soldiers are slightly larger and have orange heads with black pincers. Winged reproductives are even larger. A termite reproductive is about ⅜ of an inch long, but that length includes its long wings which hang past the abdomen. You'll likely notice the wings on these termites first as they are prominent when these insects are gathered in a swarm.

What do termites eat?
Termites eat wood, primarily. They have a preference for dead wood that is softened by moisture and the grain inside wood timbers. When they get into structural wood, they'll start with the grain but eventually consume the wood around the grain as well.
Termites are not limited to eating wood only. They'll eat anything that has cellulose. They're sometimes found in junk piles, feeding on products that contain paper, cardboard, or fabrics.
Are termites harmful?
Termites don't present a threat to humans. They do not come out of their hiding places inside a home. Termite workers (which are the only termites that eat wood) have thin skins and dehydrate easily. They're also strongly averse to light. These two factors keep them hidden inside their tunnels. Since they don't come out, you're not likely to have contact with them.
If you're wondering whether or not termites are harmful to your property, the answer is yes. They can do significant damage to man-made structures over the course of years. It is essential to protect property and routinely check for termite activity to guard equity.
Is my home at risk if my neighbor has termites?
Some termite colonies have workers that will go as far as 100 yards in search of food. If your neighbor is closer than the length of a football field, your home is at risk. Termite workers do not focus on one food source at a time. They can feed on multiple sources. It is also possible that your neighbor has more than one colony feeding on their property. Termites send out swarmers to create many nests in a localized area, which means there is commonly more than one nest.
What are termites attracted to?
Termites are searching for food. Their preference is decaying wood. A yard with dead branches, firewood, scrap wood from construction projects, or some other source of wood will attract them. They're also attracted to humid soil. A structure with clogged gutters can create perimeter dampness that attracts termite workers. Clogged gutters can lead to wood rot as well. Both conditions attract termites.
What are the signs of a termite problem?
The signs of a termite problem are often subtle. These insects are incredibly sneaky. You'll have to watch closely or inspect hidden places on and under your property for these signs.
- Look for workers underneath sources of wood that touch the soil.
- Look for damage to wood near and under the soil in damp areas.
- Look for shelter tubes on your foundation slab or exterior stairs.
- Look for termite swarmers in your home and on your property.
- Look for the shed wings of swarmers left in sheltered places or spider webs.
- Listen for a subtle clicking noise coming from walls, floors, or ceilings.
You may detect termite activity if you keep watch and perform routine inspections but keep in mind that they can elude detection even if you're looking for them.
What is a termite swarm?
Winged termite reproductives have a swarming behavior pattern. That is why they're called swarmers. They can swarm together on the ground or in the air. When you see them on the ground, it is a warning sign that there is a nest in the ground underneath.
How do I get rid of termites?
There are two professional solutions for termite control: termiticide and bait systems. Professionals use professional-grade products that require certification for effective application. Contact your Greenway Pest Solutions team to learn about the termite control solutions we use and how you can rid your property of these destructive insects.
How can I prevent termites?
The most effective way to prevent termites is with a professional termite control solution applied around the structures on your property. Termite control actively addresses the source of termite problems by actively eliminating colonies as workers encroach. You may deter termites in other ways, such as removing wood sources and managing moisture, but termite control is the most effective way to guard your property. For guidance with professional termite control in Arizona, contact Greenway Pest Solutions.